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Healthcare Journal of Baton Rouge
| July / August 2008 Issue |
screening tests:
•Home fecal occult blood test (FOBT) - a test that
checks for hidden blood in the stool.
•Colonoscopy - an examination of the rectum and entire
colon using a colonscope (a lighted instrument).
•Flexible sigmoidoscopy - an examination of the rectum
and lower colon using a sigmoidoscope (a lighted
•Double contrast barium enema - a series of x-rays of
the entire colon and rectum.
Screening tests for colorectal cancer can find precan-
cerous polyps (abnormal growths) in the colon and rec-
tum before they turn into cancer. Screening also helps
find this cancer at an early stage when treatment can
be most effective.
Past Child Abuse Plus
Variations in Gene Ups PTSD Risk
A traumatic event is much more likely to result in post-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in adults who experi-
enced trauma in childhood–but certain gene variations
raise the risk considerably if the childhood trauma
involved physical or sexual abuse, scientists have
found. The research was conducted with funding from
National Institute of Mental Health
, which is part
of the
National Institutes of Health
, and others.
Results of the study were reported on March 19 in a
special issue of the
Journal of the American Medical
devoted to the influence of genes on health
and disease, by
Elisabeth Binder, MD, PhD, Kerry J.
Ressler, MD, PhD,
and colleagues from
and other facilities. The gene in question is
active in the biochemical make-up of the body's stress-
response system. Results of the study suggest that
early-life abuse can result in particularly potent changes
to this system as it develops, depending partly on
whether or not the variations are present in the gene.
Inherited variations in multiple genes, which have yet to
be identified, are estimated to account for 30 to 40 per-
cent of the risk of developing PTSD. The gene identified
in this study is one likely candidate, although others are
almost certain to emerge.
New Web Site Helps
Patients Shop for Hospital Care
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
, part of the
U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS)
, has posted new survey infor-
mation at the Hospital Compare consumer web site
offering consumers more insight about the hospitals in
their communities. In addition to adding the new infor-
mation from
patients about their hospital
stays, CMS is adding information about the number of
certain elective hospital procedures provided to those
patients and what Medicare pays for those services.
For the first time, consumers have the three critical ele-
ments–quality information, patient satisfaction survey
information, and pricing information for specific proc-
dures–they need to make effective decisions about the
Frontal lobotomies on chimpanzees
observed to reduce agitation. First leukotomy
(destroying connecting fibers from frontal
lobe to rest of the brain) performed on female
patient. The idea was embraced even though
patients were apathetic post-surgery.