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« Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page » | July / August 2008 Issue |
Healthcare Journal of Baton Rouge
While staff at each of the hospitals mentioned the IHI and
Joint Commission goals as background information, across
the board the feeling was that rapid response teams made so
much sense, they would have been implemented regardless
of directives or mandates. For example, at many hospitals the
stated goal of the RRT is to reduce codes, but it is far from the
only reason. “Obviously our code numbers at Woman's
Hospital annually are very low,” said Sullivan, “but it's a won-
derful idea, to have that consultation ability, to assess the sit-
uation before getting to a code.” Sullivan said it is also an
excellent mentoring and teaching tool for new staff. EKL's
John Germany agreed, pointing out that the system has exist-
ed informally–you could always call an ICU nurse for
advice–but that the formal team takes some of the pressure
off the floor nurse. Woman's Hospital NICU Nurse Manager
Glyn David added that, “The RRT adds a whole new dimen-
sion to that call to the ICU for advice, because they actually
come to the patient.” It is also invaluable to have an immedi-
ate response and assessment while waiting for a test or lab to
come back, a doctor to come out of surgery, or any of the
many other factors that can delay tackling a change in a
patient. At Lane RMC, the rapid response team plan follows
the Five Million Lives Initiative terminology and IHI criteria
pretty closely. “That way if we have new staff come on board,
it will be familiar to them,” explained Kathy Peairs.
Courtesy Woman’s Hospital
Ivan Pavlov's studies of conditioning
are published.
Indiana enacts law allowing sterilization
of the mentally disabled. Other states follow